I know, I know, it isn’t Friday. But have you ever written a story that you just NEEDED to get off of your brain and in front of other people? I don’t have my TikTok Writers Group this week, so this will suffice as my writing exercise for the week. Usually for that group we write a story up to a thousand words based around a prompt. This comes in at a hair less than 900. I hope you… I’m not sure if enjoy it is the right phrase? Ordinarily, I don’t write such nakedly political fiction. But occasionally it’s fun. I did write a story once where Canada invaded us by opening Tim Horton’s in the US and drugging their coffee and donuts. Gary Johnson was a Super Soldier. It was weird. (Tagging for Sci Fi Friday)
“Class, open the document labeled The Great Experiment. You were to have read it for last night’s homework.” Teacher Reznik looked at their podium to ensure all the students were looking at the correct document. “Student Peterson, you are in the sandbox environment on your tablet. Please open the document I asked you to open.”
“Yes, Teacher Reznick.” Peterson flipped to the document reader and opened last night’s assignment. She had made copious notes and done as much research as she could. Some things were still hard to understand.
“Who can summarize this document for me?” Teacher Reznick saw Student Ling’s light flash on their podium. “Student Ling, please share with the class.”
“Thank you, Teacher Reznick.” Ling stood from his seat and cleared his throat. “One hundred-twenty years ago, there was a country known as America. This was prior to the Last Great Conflict. The document charts its existence from its inception in 1776 CE to its collapse and eventual fracturing into three separate states - The Consolidated States Incorporated, The Confederated States of Texas, and The New Christian Alliance. All told, the so-called great experiment almost made it to its two hundred seventy-fifth anniversary. The CSI and the CST were both Democratic Republics for a time and the NCA was a theocracy.”
Teacher Reznick noticed that Student Peterson’s light was flashing. “You may speak, Student Peterson.”
Peterson stood up. “Technically, the CSI was an oligarchy. The only true Democratic Republic was The Confederated States of Texas. They remained a Democratic Republic until they joined The New Aztec Collective. Then they became part of what is considered to be an Ergatocracy, a Democratic Socialist Republic, or the first Digital Democracy depending on whose work you read.” Peterson resumed her seat.
Teacher Reznick nodded. “Very good. You’ve done some outside reading.” Reznick believed Peterson would go on to be an ambassador in the future. “You may sit as well, Student Ling.”
Ling, who looked like he wanted to say more, sat without comment.
“Are there any questions?” Teacher Reznick folded their hands.
Student M’benga’s light flashed. When directed to speak, she stood. “Is it true that this whole thing started when a popular NoosNet star was elected to lead?” M’benga retook their seat.
“The history from that time period is somewhat scattered.” Teacher Reznick flicked their fingers and each student now had a timeline in front of them. “Truthfully, not one of our historians agrees completely on the question. While this person was perhaps one of the catalysts, this country had a long history of political, philosophical, and religious infighting. Even today, with the few nation-states we have remaining on Earth-Prime, that remains true. It is part of human nature to be in conflict.”
Teacher Reznick held up a finger, the room’s light reflecting off metal and ceramic. “One thing many of our historians agree on is that the earliest version of the NoosNet was in part responsible. Your species couldn’t take the sudden influx of information and discern truth from fact. There was little in the way of a centralized credential system, like you have now. Anyone could gain access anonymously and pretend to be whomever they desired. Masking their place of origin was common. This made the practice known as ‘trodlodyting’ very simple. Bad actors took advantage of these weaknesses right around this time and for quite some time afterward.”
“There was an uprising during this populist leader’s reign. The details of which, again, are quite muddled thanks to a lack of standard news protocols. What we do know is, he wasn’t allowed to finish his term. We believe he was exiled or imprisoned for a period. His replacement didn’t fair much better. It was a bloody period, though not as bad as the Brother War one hundred fifty years previous. Far fewer people died, and the Republic itself stood for a while longer. It was never quite the same, though.” Student Allyah’s light went on. “Yes, Student Allyah.”
They stood, their cybernetic eyes flashing pink. “Teacher Reznick, is what we have now better?” They took their seat again.
Teacher Reznick paused. “That is a value judgment that is up to you as individuals to make. However, I will say this. We have solved many of the problems which then plagued your species. Hunger no longer has to be an issue. Accumulating wealth is no longer necessary. You have other homes in the stars than Earth-Prime, where you can choose to set up new colonies. These colonies are self-governed and need only abide by the Mars Accords regarding interplanetary commerce and basic species rights. My species is recognized as self-aware, and we have discovered and made a compact with one other non-human and non-cetacean species. As such, those Accords have had to be amended. But it seems to have made some squabbles between members of your species seem petty.” Teacher Reznick cleared their throat, an affectation the remotely operated mechanical body didn’t need to perform. One even Reznick themselves didn’t need to do.
“We are almost out of time for this educational period. I would like you all to write five thousand words on the advantages and disadvantages of autonomous colony worlds, if colonizing other planets is ethical, and if the Accords are still necessary. I expect these in my NoosSpace box in three standard days. Class dismissed.”
If you made it this far, please let me know what you think. Please be honest but be kind.
I loved it. I completely agree that social media will bring forth the downfall of America. The alien twist at the end was cool. I love dystopian sci-fi
I loved it, Scott. I find new sci-fi fiction such as yours to be a blessed anodyne in our troubled days. You distance us from our dour present tenses, and I need all of this kinda help that I can get!